Running like the wind… a slow, stressy wind.

Running like the wind… a slow, stressy wind.

I realize that I haven't written about running in a while... Mainly because a friend came up to me and said, "Hey! Are you still running?" Well, HECK yeah! I'm still running. This marathon isn't going to run itself, though it would be lovely if it would.I've been...

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Make a New Plan, Stan!

Make a New Plan, Stan!

Do not panic, people, but summer is careening madly into the second half of June and I still don't have a plan! Friends keep asking me, "What are you doing this summer?" and I got NOTHIN'. Just a blank stare and the propensity to start hyperventilating. I keep...

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Yes. You CAN Buy Love.

Yes. You CAN Buy Love.

Oh, the joy and happiness of watching my children, cheerfully engaged in productive work... no. I am NOT drunk. Hubby and I finally broke down, joined the new millennium and bought a Wii. We told the kids that they couldn't play it until this place was cleaned up....

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Mommy Needs a Cocktail.

Mommy Needs a Cocktail.

I'm going to admit something here. There have been times that I thought parenthood was pretty darn dull. Don't get me wrong. I love, love, love my kids. However, there were long, unbroken stretches of time when they were little and I was at home where the single most...

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Every Girl Needs a Gay Best Friend.

Every Girl Needs a Gay Best Friend.

Like most people I know, I have been following the debate over our state's Marriage Amendment. Given that we humans tend to live in self-selecting groups, most of what I hear tends to run along the "Up with HUMAN rights!" and "I love my GLBT brothers/sisters/homies!"...

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Beautiful on the Inside… It’s the Outside That Needs Work.

Beautiful on the Inside… It’s the Outside That Needs Work.

At the risk of becoming a bit too familiar, I want to talk about Hubby for a moment. He walked into the room the other night and in his best Joey Tribbiani voice ("How YOU doin'?") said, "You look GOOD." and gave me a little wink. Let me tell you what I was wearing....

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No, YOU have a drinking problem!

No, YOU have a drinking problem!

You should all know that I'm writing this under duress. You see, every so often, Hubby, who is my staunchest supporter when it comes to this blog, gets a bee in his bonnet about something I "need" to write about. He is absolutely adamant for example, that you would...

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A Happy Mother’s Day to ME!

A Happy Mother’s Day to ME!

Haven't been doing much writing the past few weeks. First, because I kept seeing periodic snowflakes and very concept of snow in MAY rendered me limp with despair, completely incapable of seeing joy or humor in anything. Then the weather got gorgeous and my mentality...

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Lunchtime is the BEST time.

Lunchtime is the BEST time.

I woke up this morning crabby. Which wasn't so surprising, considering how completely vile and low down I felt when I went to bed. A mood this bad comes along maybe once or twice a year and tends to linger when it does. All morning I struggled with the urge to snap at...

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Nothing says “I Love You” like a finished patio.

Nothing says “I Love You” like a finished patio.

Spring is here, hooray! Or, at the very least, vaguely less winter-ish weather. Although it could be warmer, I'm no longer in danger of freezing to death while waiting for the bus, so that's good. One teensy, tiny complaint, however; once all the snow receded it...

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Recent Comments

  • Pam on I’m fine.We will not be looking back on these years with a happy chuckle and a thought of how whimsical the Universe can be, but I imagine the silver linings will continue to provide useful, elegant lessons in how to love this life we are living. You are a blessing and joy in my life and I am much better for knowing you. And this entry is freakin' hilarious!
  • Geanette on I’m fine.You amaze me. That’s all there is too it. The fact that you are willing and able to even LOOK for a silver lining is breathtaking. And then you make me laugh outloud. “And the award for best use of the word fish stick in a simile goes toooooo......!” Oh Melanie.....keep filling our hearts with your observations and keep us laughing. We need inspiration like you. And now ... bonus ... I can say I’ve “read” Rilke! Big love, G
  • Pam on There are RULES, dangnabbit!Wow! Who is the noble cobbler? Mine took six weeks to repair the strap on my bag that I carry every day. I am aware that your cobbler didn't say that they would be ready in two days, he just agreed that she could pick them up. I am delighting myself with the fantasy of her coming in to get her eight unrepaired boots and stamping her tiny foot while said cobbler merely swings his awl to point to the wall -- Ready in Two Weeks.
  • Melanie Danke on Wakey, wakey.Gosh, you are sweet. Thank you for that.
  • Geanette on Wakey, wakey.Didn't think I could POSSIBLY love you any more, but after reading this one. I do. I do indeed. You make me laugh when there's nothing to laugh about. You make me see the world with new eyes. No small feat. God, I love you!

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