Light it UP!

Hello, poor, neglected blog. Gosh almighty, it’s been a long time. Such is the danger in owning a cookie shop right around Christmas– it’s rather like a submarine dive under the North Pole: you just put your head down, and resurface when it’s... Read more...'

Three views.

Reverb Broads, December 19th prompt:Self-Portrait: Post a picture of you that you like, write about yourself, post a video – what do you want your self-portrait to say about you?KristenHappy. That’s what I was and what I hope people see. That’s Hubby... Read more...'

THREE things???

Reverb Broads for December 13th Prompt: What are three things you are better at than most people? (Courtesy of Catie)Ugh. No disrespect, Catie, but I tend to shy away from these kinds of prompts–mostly because I can never think of anything I’m good at and... Read more...'

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