by Melanie | Feb 13, 2013 | Blog |
Well, that went over like a lead balloon. As you may know, Lent starts today– Lent being the preferred holiday season for those of us who like our personal growth both painful and inconvenient. It’s the hard scrabble route to self improvement, insisting...
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by Melanie | Mar 13, 2012 | Blog |
I know people who collect and read their old journals. Not me. I’m of the mind that it would be better if I just burned them. Not because they are incriminating or embarrassing (though, of course, they are.) No, I would like to burn them all, because I hate the...
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by Melanie | Jan 15, 2011 | Blog |
Oh, my lord but I’m exhausted. “But, why, Lanie?” you are saying, “You just had a full two days off.”Okay, I’m going to ignore that, though I am obligated to snarkily remind you that mothers NEVER have a day off. (I can’t...
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by Melanie | Aug 1, 2010 | Blog |
Last weekend I was able to sneak away for a brief and totally well-deserved vacation. When I returned, I found that: A) my house had not burned down B) my business was still chugging along and C) the world had continued to spin on it’s axis…. all without...
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by Melanie | Apr 22, 2010 | Blog |
Okay, here’s kind of a secret. Well, not a secret really, just something that I do without really examining it too closely. Kind of like night-time snacking. Sure, I know I do it and it’s probably not the best thing for me, but I just sort of divert my...
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