Leave this blog where you found it!

Oh! Much frustration and gnashing of teeth! Once again I have reached for an item of mine and found that my hand has closed on... NOTHING! This time it was a nifty little mister that I use to encourage my hair to curl-- it is the most labor-intensive action I am...

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A question for YOU.

A question for YOU.

A few days ago, when I was exhausted from scampering hither and yon and feeling just a mite bit, um, stretched, I came across a blog that made everything better. More than better-- FABulous. One that encompassed two things that I love so much and yet, had never...

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The family that runs together…

I have to say, I am continually amazed by what things seem to be handled down via DNA. I'm not talking about hair color or the shape of one's mouth or even musical ability. I'm thinking here of more intangible things, odd personality quirks that have to be encoded...

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I can think of yummier things.

Well, hobo month is over. It ended with a whimper. June 30th, I looked at my nice, ripe bank balance and then sat down to pay bills. Now we’re broke. Crud. How terribly anti-climatic. When I go through a long and somewhat difficult process, I want there to be a big...

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Of course, it would be shoes….

Of course, it would be shoes….

Fair is fair. If I'm going to tattle about my husband's Hobo month indiscretions, I probably should be upfront about my own. Friday, feeling a little spiritually battered, I decided to run a few errands after work...get a few movies from the library, that sort of...

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and I’m for a little nosh, go figure…

Maybe it's just the rain, but I'm feeling a little introspective. So bear with me, is all I'm saying. You see, I've noticed what feels like an upsurge in the tendency to define ourselves in opposition to something. Does that make any sense? My youngest has this in...

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Getting more fabulous by the minute!

Getting more fabulous by the minute!

I absolutely have to share with you my new favorite website. I have wasted literally hours looking at this thing. ( I of course have no idea about proper website sharing etiquette, my apologies if I've mucked it up.) I FORBID you to go one more minute without checking...

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vanity, thy name is… Me!

Hobo month has claimed it's first victim. Sadly, it's my hair. Let me just note that I have a lot of hair. A LOT. Summers, once the humidity hits, it doesn't need to be trimmed as much as subdued. And it's been raining here. Raining A LOT. But haircuts aren't...

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Someone is not on the program.

Hobo month is experiencing a slight snag. One that goes by the name of MY HUSBAND. When I proposed that we reset our spending habits by taking a shopping hiatus, kind of like a grapefruit sorbet palate cleanser but for your wallet, he was all like, "Yes. Of course....

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I hate sports. I hate our stupid baseball schedule. I super hate whoever is supposed to be in charge of canceling games in our super stupid league. But... I love my son-- --which is how I ended up spending my afternoon in a downpour, watching two bedraggled teams of...

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Blog Roulette?

Recent Comments

  • Pam on I’m fine.We will not be looking back on these years with a happy chuckle and a thought of how whimsical the Universe can be, but I imagine the silver linings will continue to provide useful, elegant lessons in how to love this life we are living. You are a blessing and joy in my life and I am much better for knowing you. And this entry is freakin' hilarious!
  • Geanette on I’m fine.You amaze me. That’s all there is too it. The fact that you are willing and able to even LOOK for a silver lining is breathtaking. And then you make me laugh outloud. “And the award for best use of the word fish stick in a simile goes toooooo......!” Oh Melanie.....keep filling our hearts with your observations and keep us laughing. We need inspiration like you. And now ... bonus ... I can say I’ve “read” Rilke! Big love, G
  • Pam on There are RULES, dangnabbit!Wow! Who is the noble cobbler? Mine took six weeks to repair the strap on my bag that I carry every day. I am aware that your cobbler didn't say that they would be ready in two days, he just agreed that she could pick them up. I am delighting myself with the fantasy of her coming in to get her eight unrepaired boots and stamping her tiny foot while said cobbler merely swings his awl to point to the wall -- Ready in Two Weeks.
  • Melanie Danke on Wakey, wakey.Gosh, you are sweet. Thank you for that.
  • Geanette on Wakey, wakey.Didn't think I could POSSIBLY love you any more, but after reading this one. I do. I do indeed. You make me laugh when there's nothing to laugh about. You make me see the world with new eyes. No small feat. God, I love you!

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