One of the most touching things about my husband is his unfailing enjoyment of my writing and his crazy belief that I have an inexhaustible supply of good ideas.
This isn’t even remotely the case. What I have is five children whose actions are sometimes so arrestingly alien to me that I have to quickly write it down, just to figure out what the heck just happened.
Normally, this works just fine for me. However since I’ve started this whole NaNoWriMo business, my home has been for the most part, drama-free. No one has buried anything of mine in the yard, children who shall remain nameless (cough *Miss Teen Wonder* cough) buckled down to bring their grades up before the final day of the quarter, and even the cat is on the mend.
Honestly! It’s like they don’t even love me at all.
I mean, sure, I could spend my alloted daily 1,667 words talking about how the twins are liking Spanish and that Parent/Teacher conferences were very complimentary and how the kids have taken over cooking one night a week (Next week? Pancakes!)…but who the heck would want to read that? Geez.
I guess this is a “be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it” situation. (note to the universe, I’d like a million dollars and this: )

So, don’t get me wrong, I’m not really complaining. It’s just ever so much easier to write about the screwball things that they do, as opposed to, well….something.
All I know is that in order to hit my mid-month word quota, I need someone in this house to screw up to the tune of 6,902 words by this Sunday. Otherwise, I’m going to have to start relying on my fuzzy memories of their toddler days. They way my memory works nowadays, I’ll probably end up mistakenly remembering plots from the Cosby Show as my own.
Wait a minute….
Fine, I won’t do it. Besides, there’s always the topic of marriage.
Nope, dang it. We’re good there, too. I’m telling you, people, I just can’t catch a break.
You're doing good. I need 9209 by the end of Sunday to be caught up. I really shouldn't have just done that math. Especially since I'm already 2.4 sheets to the wind and drink number three is on the coaster beside me. Okay…4500 words a day over the weekend is doable, right?
ugh. I'm not sure. It's 4:00 now, I haven't even started and we have supper club tonight. So…. 6,902 words tomorrow? Dang. I want a drink.
You CAN and will do it, girl! Can I give you some screwball adventures to write about?! Since you're a fantastic runner, you might love this: I had a dream a couple nights ago that I was running a marathon (write, crazyass right there…you know that!) and I was holding Tom's hand!! Do you love that? I know, not much to write about but isn't that some serious good message from some other realm? Loved it.
I KNOW KNOW KNOW you can do this…..heck, Patty and I aren't around to bother you this weekend…that's gotta count for something!
Go girl!
I did 75,000 two years ago and failed epically last year. I have found I really need a complete idea before I start or I just fizzle. This year I've written 4,000 words, total. Something more important–or, to be honest, more compelling–keeps coming up. Hey, November's a busy month!
But at this rate I'm going to have to crank out 46,000 words over Thanksgiving. I've got a longer weekend (6 days) so let's see . . . that's just under 8,000 words a day IF I give up my goal of 75,000 and just go for the 50.
Just sharing in case it helps you feel better. Hang in there! You're doing better than I am!
So happy for you and all of your hard work!