Okay, so today I went for a really long run, which is something that I haven’t done for a while. I’m sure that the resulting light-headedness had nothing to do with the flash of assumed brilliance which came over me. I thought of quite possibly the best idea I’ve had in a long time, possibly ever. I thought that I should start…
…a magazine.
What’s that you say? There are plenty of magazines around already? Most of which already reside in my bedroom and basement? Well, that’s true. But this magazine would be different, you see. MY magazine would would be a life-style magazine, chock full of helpful hints and photos from real-life people– only there would be no make-up artists, no food stylists and no home staging allowed. Hence our home decor photos would look like this;

and our fitness models would look like this:

Or this, depending on the severity of the workout:

Given my love of cooking, we would of course offer recipes for quick meals…

and post workout snacks.
Come on! It’s brilliant! Think of how much better we’d all feel when that came in the mail. I don’t know about you, but Better Homes and Gardens just makes me feel incompetent and Real Simple with their perfectly ordered gift wrapping stations and closet makeovers makes me want to weep in frustration. I’m sitting amidst the debris of a four pre-teen boy sleepover and let me tell you, there is nothing tidy and organized in the house at the moment (although to be honest, there wasn’t before the sleep-over, either.) Oh, and I didn’t tell you the best part. In honor of my dear friend Emily, I think we should call it, “Dork” (tagline: “Martha Stewart can Kiss my Fanny”) …because I AM one, Em, I really am.
HOORAY! I love the idea! I love the warm embrace of dorkiness…I think you're on to something! 🙂