Only mostly ranty.

There is a lot going on these days in the world of politics. I have a huge amount of daily frustration and sputtering incredulousness at many of the actions and opinions being put forth. It is probably no surprise, then, that I find my anger focused, laser sharp on... Read more...'

Toast makes the world go around.

I haven’t felt much like writing this week. I haven’t felt like doing much of anything, unless lying limp upon my sofa counts as some sort of activity. You see, I agreed to do a “liver cleanse” and it has left me a shell of my formerly vibrant... Read more...'

In fact, I barely got THIS written.

Yesterday a good friend of ours came over to the shop for a little coffee, nosh and advice. (Yes, we are a full service cookie shop.) Turns out that she wanted to set up these monthly seminars and needed our help brainstorming. Now, she didn’t need help with... Read more...'

To Dye or Not to Dye….

Decisions, decisions….The other day, I picked up a box of hair dye, something I’ve done eight or so times a year for the past twenty-five years. I picked it up. I put it down. I looked at myself in the mirror.I’m tired of it, y’all.Not that... Read more...'

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