by Melanie | May 22, 2011 | Blog |
At the risk of becoming a bit too familiar, I want to talk about Hubby for a moment. He walked into the room the other night and in his best Joey Tribbiani voice (“How YOU doin’?”) said, “You look GOOD.” and gave me a little wink. Let me...
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by Melanie | May 16, 2011 | Blog |
You should all know that I’m writing this under duress. You see, every so often, Hubby, who is my staunchest supporter when it comes to this blog, gets a bee in his bonnet about something I “need” to write about. He is absolutely adamant for example,...
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by Melanie | May 10, 2011 | Blog |
Haven’t been doing much writing the past few weeks. First, because I kept seeing periodic snowflakes and very concept of snow in MAY rendered me limp with despair, completely incapable of seeing joy or humor in anything. Then the weather got gorgeous and my...
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by Melanie | Apr 28, 2011 | Blog |
I woke up this morning crabby. Which wasn’t so surprising, considering how completely vile and low down I felt when I went to bed. A mood this bad comes along maybe once or twice a year and tends to linger when it does. All morning I struggled with the urge to...
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by Melanie | Apr 22, 2011 | Blog |
Spring is here, hooray! Or, at the very least, vaguely less winter-ish weather. Although it could be warmer, I’m no longer in danger of freezing to death while waiting for the bus, so that’s good. One teensy, tiny complaint, however; once all the snow...
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