Give me a minute…

Yesterday, I had another long run. 12 miles, to be exact. It was lovely…and no, I never thought I’d hear myself say that. But it was; the morning was cool, the fall colors were glorious and Hubby ran the first two miles with me, which made for good... Read more...'

Keep on Truckin’!

I think my personal mottos could use some work.A friend read me my horoscope last week, and, to me, it was the most comforting, wonderful thing I ever heard and I’ve been repeating the last line over and over to myself. The line? “It’s not too... Read more...'

It’s all relative.

I just found my elder son, teary-eyed in the basement.”What’s wrong?” I asked, concerned.He looked up at me, bottom lip trembling, and said, “We’re poor.”Oh, for the love of pete. Hubby and I had just had a talk with the kids... Read more...'

Birthday blues.

That’s right. Today is my birthday. Because I am the meanest mom in the world, we started with a forced 5K/family fun run. Yup. I said “fun run” and don’t let my kids tell you otherwise. They just don’t understand grown-up fun is all.... Read more...'

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