SUV:1 Hubby:0

Let me start this off by saying, first of all, that Hubby is fine. However, last night I was greeted at the door by several wide-eyed children, gesturing silently, but furiously, at their father. Apparently, they had not quite recovered from the sight of him being... Read more...'

Don’t Argue with the Fortune Cookie.

I’m suffering a complete crisis of confidence today. I’m wrestling with the type of writer’s block that doesn’t just make writing difficult, it makes you question the justification for your very existence. An hour and a half in and I was pretty... Read more...'

Sentimental Horsetwaddle.

With a decided danger of sounding like Garfield, the cartoon cat, Mondays, ugh. Am I right? Normally, I don’t raise too much of a kick about them, as my workweek is a bit skewed and Monday, to me, is actually my second day off. Tuesdays, though…. Today,... Read more...'

Tony Bennett Saves the Day!

Okay, I confess. I was just listening to Christmas carols in the car. I know. I KNOW, okay? It’s too early. But you see, I am coming off of this hormonally induced and barely repressed 48 hours of rage. The kind where, from the outside, I look pretty much... Read more...'

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