by Melanie | Mar 1, 2017 | Blog |
Congress has been in recess, and for the past several days, my Facebook feed has been swamped with articles about Republicans’ complete bafflement as to their raucous town hall meetings. Honestly, do none of them have children? Specifically teenagers? I have...
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by Melanie | Feb 12, 2017 | Blog |
Oy. How are you feeling? I’m finding out that all this barely suppressed, politically-induced rage is hell on the immune system. I think I’ve been some sort of sick all but maybe three days since the inauguration. Last week started with a cough and by the...
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by Melanie | Jan 29, 2017 | Blog |
I few months back I remember someone telling me about how our ancestors, when migrating across the most desolate northern climes, would carry a small, lit ember in a pack. Imagine! Imagine the miracle of being able to keep such a precious thing alive. Imagine the...
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by Melanie | Jan 12, 2017 | Blog |
A few weekends ago, I took a good look around and realized that I was terribly behind. It happens when you check out for a a couple weeks and spend all your non-work hours lying face down on the couch, contemplating an apocalyptic future, and perfecting your heavy...
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by Melanie | Jan 2, 2017 | Blog |
So, 2017 started out a little bit rough for this gal. Or maybe everyone woke up crying, I dunno. I blame my son. The night before he said, “I don’t understand why everyone says 2016 was the worst year ever. 2016 was great. 2016 was the year Bernie Sanders...
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