Momentary Brilliance

Last night, I was an awesome mother. I don’t always think that. Somedays I feel one wire hanger away from Mommy Dearest. Mostly I suspect that if I really knew what I was doing, the darling offspring wouldn’t be such lunatics, the house wouldn’t look... Read more...'

Christmas survival plan

Yesterday I baked 1300 cookies. Not, “Ha-ha, I am exaggerating for maximum effect” 1300, an actual “I own a cookie shop and it’s nearing Christmas” 1300.Traditionally, this time of year is deliriously happy for me. I love the holidays,... Read more...'

What snow reveals.

Oh, joy. Winter has finally arrived. I have been flitting about with a song in my heart ever since this weekend’s snowfall. Summer is a challenge to me, humidity like a dagger in my very soul…but snow??? Ah, bliss. So happy was I, that I was fairly singing... Read more...'

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