by Melanie | May 16, 2011 | Blog |
You should all know that I’m writing this under duress. You see, every so often, Hubby, who is my staunchest supporter when it comes to this blog, gets a bee in his bonnet about something I “need” to write about. He is absolutely adamant for example,...
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by Melanie | Jan 25, 2011 | Blog |
A dear friend gave me an ipod nano for Christmas. Let me say this; I LOVE my nano. Look…LOOK! It’s so sweet. The screen lights up. It has an internal pedometer. It picks up FM radio so I can listen to the local celebrity gossip station…whoops, I...
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by Melanie | Jan 19, 2011 | Blog |
It is never a good sign when it’s only 11:00 in the morning and you’ve already been seventeen kinds of crazy.It all started with the alarm clock…the stupid, stupid alarm clock. I must have accidentally turned it off last night, unless even my...
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by Melanie | Jan 15, 2011 | Blog |
Oh, my lord but I’m exhausted. “But, why, Lanie?” you are saying, “You just had a full two days off.”Okay, I’m going to ignore that, though I am obligated to snarkily remind you that mothers NEVER have a day off. (I can’t...
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by Melanie | Dec 14, 2010 | Blog |
Yes, I know, I know…waaaay behind. Sadly, this week I’ve had little time or internet access…something about all that snow. Cheap, city-wide internet is awesome in theory, but not exactly problem-free. Nevertheless!– I’ve been thinking...
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