Marathon wrap up.

Cue the theme song from Chariots of Fire and break out the ice packs because I finally got a sub-five hour marathon finish. Hal-le-freaking-luia. My finishing time was a joy-inducing 4:53:17, shaving twenty-seven minutes off last year and a full hour and six minutes... Read more...'

Ciao to Roma.

8/20/12  And so we come to the last entry… No lie, the view from outside our apartment… …. of this old thing. Rome.  I didn’t realize myself how much I would love it. I actually teared up a little bit, trying to explain to Hubby the... Read more...'

Mission Impossible.

This is exactly how I get into trouble. Last night, right when I thought that I really, no, really needed to go to bed right now (!) I decided to take a quick, clicky stroll through the interwebs…because that always leads straight to bed, right? I ended up on... Read more...'

Lanie in the Middle.

Sound the trumpets!!! Notify the press!!! I have achieved one of my deeply desired life goals! Nope. I haven’t learned to play the banjo. This is even better.Hubby and I have received our marathon confirmation packets in the mail. Iffin’ you don’t... Read more...'

Momentary Brilliance

Last night, I was an awesome mother. I don’t always think that. Somedays I feel one wire hanger away from Mommy Dearest. Mostly I suspect that if I really knew what I was doing, the darling offspring wouldn’t be such lunatics, the house wouldn’t look... Read more...'

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