Keep on Truckin’!

I think my personal mottos could use some work.A friend read me my horoscope last week, and, to me, it was the most comforting, wonderful thing I ever heard and I’ve been repeating the last line over and over to myself. The line? “It’s not too... Read more...'

Oh, no, he din’t!

If you are friends with me on Facebook, then you’ve already heard this one, but still….I came back from an 8 mile run this morning and hubby asked me how it went. “Okay, I guess, but it took 1:27 and I really wanted to finish in 1:20... Read more...'


Somewhere, there is a television executive who doesn’t want me to sleep. I don’t know why he has made it his life’s work to torment me, but he does. Maybe we rode the bus together back in elementary school, and he had an unfortunately easy-to-rhyme... Read more...'

Investors needed for GENIUS idea!

Okay, so today I went for a really long run, which is something that I haven’t done for a while. I’m sure that the resulting light-headedness had nothing to do with the flash of assumed brilliance which came over me. I thought of quite possibly the best... Read more...'

Getting more fabulous by the minute!

I absolutely have to share with you my new favorite website. I have wasted literally hours looking at this thing. ( I of course have no idea about proper website sharing etiquette, my apologies if I’ve mucked it up.) I FORBID you to go one more minute without... Read more...'

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