To Dye or Not to Dye….

Decisions, decisions….The other day, I picked up a box of hair dye, something I’ve done eight or so times a year for the past twenty-five years. I picked it up. I put it down. I looked at myself in the mirror.I’m tired of it, y’all.Not that... Read more...'

Half-marathon report

I’ve received a few emails asking how the run went. So let me tell you; it was not. fun. Not at all. Despite my honest intention to be all mellow and happy no matter how slowly I ran, I found myself getting grumpier and grumpier each time I was passed by a... Read more...'

It’s all relative.

I just found my elder son, teary-eyed in the basement.”What’s wrong?” I asked, concerned.He looked up at me, bottom lip trembling, and said, “We’re poor.”Oh, for the love of pete. Hubby and I had just had a talk with the kids... Read more...'

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