Unnecessary but not forgotten…

Last weekend I was able to sneak away for a brief and totally well-deserved vacation. When I returned, I found that: A) my house had not burned down B) my business was still chugging along and C) the world had continued to spin on it’s axis…. all without... Read more...'

I can think of yummier things.

Well, hobo month is over. It ended with a whimper. June 30th, I looked at my nice, ripe bank balance and then sat down to pay bills. Now we’re broke. Crud. How terribly anti-climatic. When I go through a long and somewhat difficult process, I want there to be a big... Read more...'

I’m fond of mottos.

I’m fond of mottos. I find it comforting to think that life’s big lessons can be summarized in ten words or less. “You are what you do consistently.” That’s been a big one with me, lately. “You can have anything, but you can’t... Read more...'

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