Good Advice from Dubious Sources.

So, 2017 started out a little bit rough for this gal. Or maybe everyone woke up crying, I dunno. I blame my son. The night before he said, “I don’t understand why everyone says 2016 was the worst year ever. 2016 was great. 2016 was the year Bernie Sanders... Read more...'

So that happened.

Hello, dear, neglected blog. It’s been a while. Not my fault. The world has gone all cattywampus, and I’ve lost my sense of humor. Very few things seem funny to me these days. Well, except for that obese and malignant cat that lives a few blocks over. His... Read more...'

A Bolt from the Blue

Recently, I have embarked on the game changing experiment of neither dieting nor running. I have absolutely no way of telling if it’s a success or not. On the one hand, I’ve gained eight pounds in what feels like a nanosecond. On the other…meh.... Read more...'

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