by Melanie | Aug 9, 2014 | Blog |
Day One: Day one is officially a success! We headed north, to Duluth, to pick up my sister and her husband before spending a day basking in the sun on one of our much loved Lake Superior beaches. Each of the Northern Wisconsin beaches we frequent has it’s own...
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by Melanie | Aug 7, 2014 | Blog |
Well, this is it, the Frauenheim Dankes are hitting the road. With an eye to our daughter’s eminent departure for college, we have planned the VERY LAST ROAD TRIP WE WILL EVER TAKE, ALL TOGETHER. (…sniff…) Two full weeks of togetherness; riding in...
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by Melanie | Jun 25, 2014 | Blog |
Our race photos arrived in my inbox today. Photos taken by a multitude of professional photographers, stationed along the marathon route, either crouching at the side of the road or lofted high above the course, documenting our 26.2 miles from the bucket of a crane....
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by Melanie | May 4, 2014 | Blog |
Have you met my husband, yet? He’s super. A good man and a good father. (Don’t ask the kids- they don’t know a blessed thing. They think anyone who makes them fold laundry and eat the food I prepare for them instead of just subsisting on spicy...
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by Melanie | Apr 11, 2014 | Blog |
My son begs me daily to dye my hair. Apparently, he is having none of the “aging gracefully” attitude I am trying to embrace and the white stripes which have started to bookend my face verily annoy him. Personally, I think they make me look rakish....
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by Melanie | Mar 27, 2014 | Blog |
Well, that’s it, then. Miss Teen Wonder is set for college. Papers signed, money sent, room-mate chosen. Finito. Barring a spring semester senior year prank bordering on a felony, its all over but the crying. Actually, that isn’t true. I’ve...
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