I Can Predict Your Future.

I did one of those online word puzzles today. The ones where you glance over a grid of seemingly random letters and the first three words you see are supposedly the three things your next year will be filled with. I saw “Love”, “Money” and... Read more...'

Going Bananas.

A dear friend recently gifted me a bracelet inscribed with the motto “she believed she could, so she did.” In the past, my pessimistically superstitious nature wouldn’t willingly don such an item, feeling as I did that to do so would be to court certain failure. But... Read more...'

Doing Time: 100 Days of Running

I recently read a book on marketing…okay, the first half of the first chapter because, hello, marketing? Snore. But it did bring up the concept of systems. Everybody needs a system–a set method and timetable for getting shit done. Sounds great, maybe. I... Read more...'

Plumbing the Depths.

Let me tell you what’s going on at my house right now: A seemingly routine call to a plumber led to a second appointment and the addition of two more plumbers. They showed up a bit ago in the giant truck. The “take no prisoners” truck. They have... Read more...'

Ultra Countdown.

This is happening, people. Tomorrow. Tomorrow is my 50 mile ultra marathon. I’m seemingly pretty chill but that might due to being paralyzed by anxiety. Yesterday was a great day. Yesterday I got up, did yoga and had a shiatsu massage. I love massages and try... Read more...'

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