by Melanie | May 26, 2011 | Blog |
Like most people I know, I have been following the debate over our state’s Marriage Amendment. Given that we humans tend to live in self-selecting groups, most of what I hear tends to run along the “Up with HUMAN rights!” and “I love my GLBT...
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by Melanie | May 22, 2011 | Blog |
At the risk of becoming a bit too familiar, I want to talk about Hubby for a moment. He walked into the room the other night and in his best Joey Tribbiani voice (“How YOU doin’?”) said, “You look GOOD.” and gave me a little wink. Let me...
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by Melanie | May 16, 2011 | Blog |
You should all know that I’m writing this under duress. You see, every so often, Hubby, who is my staunchest supporter when it comes to this blog, gets a bee in his bonnet about something I “need” to write about. He is absolutely adamant for example,...
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by Melanie | Jan 4, 2011 | Blog |
ooooooo…. my Perfect New Year has hit a snag. Seems that a certain television station has stopped airing reruns of Roseanne.This is not acceptable.I’ve only (relatively) recently begun watching these and have been struck with a whole new appreciation for...
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by Melanie | Sep 11, 2010 | Blog |
That’s right. Today is my birthday. Because I am the meanest mom in the world, we started with a forced 5K/family fun run. Yup. I said “fun run” and don’t let my kids tell you otherwise. They just don’t understand grown-up fun is all....
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