Leave this blog where you found it!

Oh! Much frustration and gnashing of teeth! Once again I have reached for an item of mine and found that my hand has closed on…NOTHING! This time it was a nifty little mister that I use to encourage my hair to curl– it is the most labor-intensive action I... Read more...'

A question for YOU.

A few days ago, when I was exhausted from scampering hither and yon and feeling just a mite bit, um, stretched, I came across a blog that made everything better. More than better– FABulous. One that encompassed two things that I love so much and yet, had never... Read more...'

The family that runs together…

I have to say, I am continually amazed by what things seem to be handled down via DNA. I’m not talking about hair color or the shape of one’s mouth or even musical ability. I’m thinking here of more intangible things, odd personality quirks that have... Read more...'

I can think of yummier things.

Well, hobo month is over. It ended with a whimper. June 30th, I looked at my nice, ripe bank balance and then sat down to pay bills. Now we’re broke. Crud. How terribly anti-climatic. When I go through a long and somewhat difficult process, I want there to be a big... Read more...'

Of course, it would be shoes….

Fair is fair. If I’m going to tattle about my husband’s Hobo month indiscretions, I probably should be upfront about my own. Friday, feeling a little spiritually battered, I decided to run a few errands after work…get a few movies from the library,... Read more...'

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