When Ambition Fails.

There are things that I know to be true. For example: a pint of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream is a single serving. Fact. There are things that I know are not true but I choose to believe them anyway. Things like how I feel more attractive and slimmer when I wear... Read more...'

My Own Flea Circus. Lucky me.

Sometimes the metaphors are so darn obvious, they just sort of kick you in the teeth, don’t they? Yesterday, my son called me, upset and supremely grossed out, because he found fleas on the cat…Because we can never catch a break with that feline,... Read more...'

Call Me Lex.

Sometimes I get an idea so brilliant, it borders on the diabolical. So here’s the story; Today was the William O’Brien 10 mile trail run. (Motto: “The hills! Sweet merciful Jesus, the hills!”) Anyone of you from around this neck of the woods... Read more...'

The Week that Will. Not. End.

Does it ever occur to any of you that your bathroom is the perfect metaphor for your life? Like you spend every day wiping up the soap scum that inevitably reappears overnight, and that you could probably save yourself an inordinate amount of time and energy if you... Read more...'

Please Don’t Analyze My Dreams.

By now some of you have heard that my partner and I will be closing our cookie shop this month. It’s honestly such a relief to get the announcement out there.  Sitting on that kind of information is exhausting, people.  It definitely colors all your... Read more...'

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