2014 Might Not 100% Stink. Maybe.

Today is the first day I really feel close to the sort of enthusiasm the New Year generally brings out in a first child, perfectionist-wanna-be such as myself. My dearly loved grandma passed away just before Christmas in a manner that, although she was ninety actual... Read more...'

Forever Young.

I just received a sample of a new beauty product; a “finishing cream.” According to the text on the ad, it is “…not a moisturizer, primer or foundation.”  It’s job is to use its “cushiony texture” to ” erase the... Read more...'

Plus, There is CAKE!

  Reasons why to never, ever throw a party. 1) The cleaning. Okay, the actual, physical work of cleaning is not the worst thing– even though it’s a total drag and takes your whole and entire Saturday and has the kids practically up in arms by time supper... Read more...'

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