by Melanie | Mar 27, 2014 | Blog |
Well, that’s it, then. Miss Teen Wonder is set for college. Papers signed, money sent, room-mate chosen. Finito. Barring a spring semester senior year prank bordering on a felony, its all over but the crying. Actually, that isn’t true. I’ve...
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by Melanie | Jan 3, 2014 | Blog |
Today is the first day I really feel close to the sort of enthusiasm the New Year generally brings out in a first child, perfectionist-wanna-be such as myself. My dearly loved grandma passed away just before Christmas in a manner that, although she was ninety actual...
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by Melanie | Apr 12, 2013 | Blog |
Earlier this week, Little Man and I had a battle of wills of such epic proportion that I can’t even recount it here. When the time comes to finally tell the tale, I will simply refer you to the book I shall write, sometime in the future, entitled, “The...
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by Melanie | Jan 30, 2013 | Blog |
I think I’ve stumbled across my motto for 2013. The other day I was having a time of it. It was a spill your coffee, forget your lunch, late for work sort of day. Midway through that super annoying morning, my inner voice told me quite clearly to GO LIMP. Go...
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by Melanie | Oct 15, 2012 | Blog |
People, I am having just one hell of a Monday. I’m out of clean underwear, I brought two towels to the gym, but no iPod, I changed purses, which means I am currently without phone or makeup. Every turn I made on the way to work led me to road construction or...
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