Reverb10: day seven

Ack! I’m falling behind! The daily posting has bested me…drat. No matter, here is day seven:December 7 – Community Prompt: Community. Where have you discovered community, online or otherwise, in 2010? What community would you like to join, create or more... Read more...'

reverb10: day three

Dec. 3rd Prompt: Moment. Pick one moment during which you felt most alive this year.Here’s the thing about me; I am almost always of two minds about things. I’m an extrovert who craves solitude; a decidedly practical person with a spiritual bent. My ideal... Read more...'

Reverb10: day 2

December 2: Writing.What do you do each day that doesn’t contribute to your writing — and can you eliminate it?Hmmmm…. five kids, running my own business, a husband working insane hours…. nope. Can’t think of a thing.Oh, I’m sorry. Did that... Read more...'

reverb10; day one.

Emily over at “…and her glow has warmed the world…” turned me on to a cool, cool happening: a month of shared reflection lead by the folks at reverb10. And since I am such a sucker for New Year’s, new starts and new projects, this seems... Read more...'

Momentary Brilliance

Last night, I was an awesome mother. I don’t always think that. Somedays I feel one wire hanger away from Mommy Dearest. Mostly I suspect that if I really knew what I was doing, the darling offspring wouldn’t be such lunatics, the house wouldn’t look... Read more...'

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