by Melanie | Dec 12, 2016 | Blog |
By now most of you are aware of my ambivalent relationship with bikes. I want to love cycling, really I do, and I’ve made great strides; buying a bike with actual gears, finding the magical unicorn of a bike seat which treats all things posterior with admirable...
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by Melanie | Oct 22, 2016 | Blog |
Recently, I have embarked on the game changing experiment of neither dieting nor running. I have absolutely no way of telling if it’s a success or not. On the one hand, I’ve gained eight pounds in what feels like a nanosecond. On the other…meh....
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by Melanie | Sep 12, 2016 | Blog |
Do you hear it? The roar of applause slowly tempering itself to a single, shared sigh of relief? If you have children, you no doubt know what I am talking about, if not, let me illuminate you– school has finally begun. Amid the frantic scrambling, unaccustomed...
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by Melanie | Jan 4, 2016 | Blog |
I did one of those online word puzzles today. The ones where you glance over a grid of seemingly random letters and the first three words you see are supposedly the three things your next year will be filled with. I saw “Love”, “Money” and...
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by Melanie | Dec 16, 2015 | Blog |
A dear friend recently gifted me a bracelet inscribed with the motto “she believed she could, so she did.” In the past, my pessimistically superstitious nature wouldn’t willingly don such an item, feeling as I did that to do so would be to court certain failure. But...
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