by Melanie | Jan 27, 2012 | Blog |
This is exactly how I get into trouble. Last night, right when I thought that I really, no, really needed to go to bed right now (!) I decided to take a quick, clicky stroll through the interwebs…because that always leads straight to bed, right? I ended up on...
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by Melanie | Jan 21, 2012 | Blog |
I was listening to my favorite talk radio station the other day, hoping to expand my knowledge of current events, newsworthy science breakthroughs and…okay, fine. Y’all know me by now. It was the celebrity gossip station. Happy? Anyhoo, the topic was...
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by Melanie | Jan 18, 2012 | Blog |
I just returned home from work to find the door open, the lights on in every room, and the kitchen counters festooned with blobs of jelly, bread crumbs and garlic clove skins from last night’s supper. All this despite the fact that I held my dear son by the...
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by Melanie | Jan 11, 2012 | Blog |
Yaaaayyy! We survived winter break and the kids are blessedly, thankfully, mercifully back in school. This harkens in not only the return to twenty-four hour adult supervision (hooray!) but a return to some sort of predictable schedule. A perfect time to really hit...
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