Too Early for Spring “Cleaning?”

I can’t take it. It’s the middle of February and when I woke up it was ten degrees below zero. Which means we have been experiencing the “joy” of winter for, what? Seventeen straight months?Well, feels like it, anyways.PLUS we have reached the... Read more...'

When little things mean a lot.

It’s the little things that’ll get you.This morning hubby woke me up early. Like super, duper, I’d-Rather-Be-Dead-Than-Awake-Right-Now early. He had missed the bus and I would I mind if he took the car? (Answer; No. Shut up and go away.) Now, I... Read more...'

Can’t blog… napping…..

You know how you always hear about those businesses that get the big boost right after New Year’s Day? Places like gyms and fitness equipment stores and, I’m just guessing here, but I’m going to bet liposuction clinics, too. Well, I’m here to... Read more...'

Lost in the shuffle….

A dear friend gave me an ipod nano for Christmas. Let me say this; I LOVE my nano. Look…LOOK! It’s so sweet. The screen lights up. It has an internal pedometer. It picks up FM radio so I can listen to the local celebrity gossip station…whoops, I... Read more...'

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